A Parent Cooperative Preschool in Wrentham, MA

Sketch of the Little Red Schoolhouse, a historic one room schoolhouse in Wrentham, MA
The Little Red Schoolhouse is a parent cooperative preschool that operates as part of the Sheldonville Community Center Inc a not for profit organization dedicated to supporting and enhancing the community That spirit of community spills over into the classroom
A parent cooperative preschool is organized by a group of families and teachers to provide their children with a quality preschool experience The school is administered and maintained by the parents on a non profit basis We believe that every hand needs another every tear deserves drying every voice deserves respect and every child helps another While the children are part of the Little Red Community for a few short years our hope is to touch their lives forever
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Program Information

A day in the classroom is a blend of structured and unstructured time. During free-choice time, teachers facilitate conflict resolution as needed and help build a child's developing social skills and problem-solving abilities. After the children help clean up the classroom, teachers lead group time with morning song, calendar, storytelling, and sharing. The children then have "work time" where they make choices and work on their activities and daily projects. This is where the social and academic pieces comes together.

The Little Red Schoolhouse has two class offerings. One program is for the younger children and is 2 days a week. The other program is for the older children and is held 3 days a week. The school is a nut free environment.

Kids with their Teacher Sitting on the Floor
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Age Group/Offerings

  • 2.9 - 4 years old
    • Tues and Thurs
    • 9 AM-11:30 AM or 1:00 PM

  • 4-5 years old
    • Mon, Wed, Fri
    • 9 AM-1:00 PM or 3:00 PM

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9:00 Children Arrive

9:00-9:30 Indoor Free Play Activities

9:30-9:50 Circle/Meeting Time

9:50-10:50 Work Time & Snack

10:50-11:00 Clean Up

11:00-11:30* Outdoor Activities

11:45-12:15 Lunch

12:15-1:00* Choice Time

1:00-1:15 Meeting Time

1:15-2:00 Quiet Time (books, puzzles, rest etc.)

2:00-3:00 Indoor/Outdoor Free Play

3:00* Children Depart for the Day

*Children depart depending on program

Sample Schedule

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Enrichment Programs

People Playing on a Table
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Each month special enrichment programs are brought into the classroom. They are subject to change but typically include:

  • Nature Class with Ms. Jessica
  • Sports Class with Coach Mike from Kids in Sports
  • Music Class with Ms. Cindy

Monthly Programs

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The Little Red Schoolhouse has a great relationship with local community helpers and many ties to the local community. Examples of some engagement include:

  • Visits from the local police and fire departments, including Cruiser, the community police dog.
  • Trips to the nearby post office
  • Visits with the local food pantry

Community Engagement

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Meet the Teachers

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Ms. Melissa

Melissa Moore is the Director of the Little Red Schoolhouse. She has been in teaching for 20 years, and preschool for many of those. Melissa used to drive up through Sheldonville by the Little Red Schoolhouse pointing to it saying, “that is exactly the type of school I want to work at” and in 2023 that all came together. She has three kids, Lincoln, Laine, Lila, who were all born in Wrentham. All three are in high school and very active in sports and their school life. They keep her very busy. Afterwork you will most likely find her on a sideline cheering one of them on or volunteering as the Vice-President of the FTC; High School Football Boosters.

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Ms. Farrell

Amy Farrell lives in Wrentham with her husband and three sons, Luke, Jack, and Emmett (a Little Red alumnus). Aside from her love for teaching preschool, she enjoys hiking, travel, gardening, and kayaking. Ms. Farrell has a master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology and is certified as a Lead Preschool Teacher by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) for Massachusetts. Ms. Farrell is also CPR certified and trained in first aid.

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Ms. Robyn

Robyn Miranda lives in Medway with her husband and three children, Luca, Gabriel, and Eva. She has a B.S. from Salem State and is a licensed certified teacher for infants, toddlers, and preschool. She also has experience teaching in the public schools. This is her second year at Little Red and we are so lucky to have her.

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Behind the Scenes

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Dr. Robyn Wing

Health Consultant

Ms. Farrell

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Ms. Melissa

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Ms. Robin

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Patty Colford


Tax Accounting Illustration
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Sergeant Morris

Wrentham PD

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Community Resource Dog

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Parent Board

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Vice Presidents

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Ideation Icon

Beth Kelly

Alice Higgins

Sarah Beaven

Abby Hinckley

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Room Parents

Sarah Cronin

2 Day: Lisa Haskell Lentini

3 Day: TBD

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Enrollment Information

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2 Day Program

  • $340/month for morning session
  • $385/month for extended session

3 Day Program

  • $470/month for morning session
  • $675/month for extended day session
  • Sibling discount 10% on second child
  • Prepay discount 5% when paid in full

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Enrollment Process

  • Typically an Open House is held in January of each year for prospective parents of children looking to enroll the following September.

  • After the Open House you may submit an application form (provided at the Open House or via email) with an application fee.

  • Inquiries about mid-year enrollment can be sent to littleredsheldonville@gmail.com and are subject to availability.

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Hear from the Families

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Parent Resources

Row of Colorful Crayons - Isolated
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Helpful Links from the Board

  • Sign Ups for Volunteer Opportunities
    • Throughout the year parents are asked to volunteer their time for an event or send items in for a party among other things. Search for "littleredsheldonville@gmail.com" on the site to find the current available sign ups.

  • School Wish List - As needs or "nice to have" things arise for the classroom the teachers may add them to this list and if anyone in the family or community is willing to donate them, the school community appreciates it.

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Helpful Links from the Teachers

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History of the School

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Through the Years

The Little Red Schoolhouse has been building a community in the classroom and beyond for many years now. The school operates in a one room historic school building, built in 1869. It served as a place of learning to many local children. Find out more about the history. Any donations to the non-profit cooperative preschool are always appreciated.

The Little Red Schoolhouse

944 West Street

Wrentham, MA

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Email: littleredsheldonville@gmail.com

Phone: 508-384-2060
